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Dr. Julie Villanova kicks off the Center's Fall 2018 Science for Art Speaker Series on August 16th

Dr. Villanova is beamline scientist at the European Synchrotron in France

Dr. Julie Villanova kicks off the Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts' Fall 2018 Science for Art Speaker Series with her talk “X-ray nano-analysis at The European Synchrotron: From hyperspectral to in situ 3D nano-imaging.”

Join us for the lecture and discussion on the power of the X-rays to image materials at the nano-scale. 

Dr. Villanova is beamline scientist at the European Synchrotron in France. She works at the new nano-analysis beamline where she is in charge of the 3D nano-imaging and recently developed time-resolved in situ nanotomography.

Talk Details

Thursday, August 16th, 12-1pm
Technological Institute - Tech M152
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208

Full Abstract:

During the last 20 years in X-Ray microscopy, the demand to improve spatial resolution and techniques sensitivity has increased tremendously in various scientific fields, e.g. material, environmental, life and cultural heritage sciences.

Recent upgrades of synchrotron facilities worldwide are addressing this concern by pushing the spatial resolution achieved at X-Ray beamlines to the nanoscale.

As an example, the ID16A and ID16B1 beamlines built in the framework of the ESRF upgrade have become state-of-the-art workstations for nano-characterization. The seminar will present the main capabilities of both beamlines for the characterization of modern and ancient materials using (i) ultimate resolution (beamsize <20 nm), (ii) combination of several nano-scale characterization techniques (X-ray fluorescence, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction,ptychography) with a particular focus on 3D phase imaging techniques, and (iii) in situ and operando experiments.2 


1.     Martínez-Criado G., Villanova J., Tucoulou R., et al., ID16B: A hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline at the ESRF for nano-analysis, J. Synchr. Radiat., 23, 344-352 (2015).

2.     Villanova J., Daudin R., Lhuissier P., Jauffrès D., Lou S., Martin C. L., Labouré S., Tucoulou R., Martínez-Criado G., Salvo L., Fast In Situ 3D Nanoimaging: a New Tool for Dynamic Characterization in Materials Science, Materials Today 20, 354-359 (2017).

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